Monday, October 13, 2008

New Fave at HQ: Nicole Trunfio

Not to sound jaded, but honestly, when you stare at gorgeous brunette eyebrows for a living (as we do), after a while they kind of almost start to look alike.

Then you see a face that wipes out the memory of whatever or whomever you were just looking at. That's how we felt the minute we discovered 23 year old model Nicole Trunfio.

Move over Kidman, there's a new Aussie Nicole.

These informal headshots (with poor lighting, make-up unfinished, and without context) give both a real, and yet misleading impression.

On the one hand, her un-retouched beauty is apparent. Just look at the eyebrows.

On the otherhand , you can't tell what happens when she "turns it on" for a full-blown photoshoot.

We'll see that the next time we feature Nicole. Which will be soon.

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