Sunday, March 8, 2009

Oh Crap. We Screwed That Up.

Apparently, we were so busy enjoying our job of documenting the world's eyebrows, that we completely missed our own birthday. Damn.

It took an observant and loyal reader named Sissi to bring this oversight to our attention. Indeed, on March 4, 2007 we launched Blu's Eyebrow Blog with a close-up of a brow that remains a standard to this day: it belonged to Ines Sastre.

Since then we've come a long way, with more than 900 postings. One or two of them have featured images from Tatler, and we continue with that tradition today, as well as providing you with another glimpse of Ms. Sastre.

Oh – and it wouldn't be a celebration without some side-boob, would it?

Scroll-down easy joke: It creates better what?

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