Friday, May 9, 2008

Martine Carol: A Woman With Whom Klaus Kinski Has Had Sex, According to Klaus Kinski

McSweeney's saved us the trouble of reading Klaus Kinski's autobiography, which is nice, since if we had read it we would then want to kill ourselves. The only reason to even contemplate reading it is for the list of women with whom Klaus Kinski has had sex, according to Klaus Kinski.

One of those women is French actress Martine Carol:

Mme. Carol had fine eyebrows, but her life was fraught with drama (a suicide attempt, perhaps provoked by being shown a galley proof of Klaus Kinski's autobiography), comedy (an overnight kidnapping by French gangster Pierre Loutrel, a/k/a Crazy Pete – a criminal so brutal, even the Gestapo distanced itself from his gang), and tragedy (she died of a heart attack at 46 years of age).

She was fond of opera gloves (cue the fetish tag), and she was featured on a cigarette card:

Scroll-down list of names for your band based on the list of women with whom Klaus Kinski has had sex, according to Klaus Kinski:
Polish Cunt
The Hookers of Marseilles
Fifty Year Old Whore
Seven Foot Tall Woman
Pockmarked Girls
Hirsute Woman
Seven Black Models from Yves Saint Laurent
Martine Carol

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