Friday, April 18, 2008

Madeline Zima Don't Need No Stinkin' Nanny

I almost don't know where to start with actress Madeline Zima. So I'll submit to the obvious and start with the eyebrows. I love them:

Some of you won't recognize her. That would be because you're too cheap to get cable TV, too young to have watched The Nanny (lucky devils, you), and too smart to have seen the Hilary Duff vehicle A Cinderella Story.

So what's that about cable TV? Well Ms. Zima plays a promiscuous 16-year old, Mia Lewis, seen in these multiple screen captures from the Showtime series Californication. But she was at least 21 when it was filmed so it's all good:

Scroll-down feeling of discomfort: I know what the super-jaded are thinking as they view this: "Big deal, I can see nekkid tatas all over the intertubes." This is where context comes in. If you remember the early seasons of The Nanny, you still have this image of Zima in your mind:

My, how Gracie has changed.

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