Saturday, August 18, 2007

Give Me That Old Time Rai Legion

Remember that movie King Arthur where it turned out that Arthur was really a leftover from the Roman occupation of Britain and he was helped on the battlefield by a strong, sassy young woman with amazing eyebrows?

Yeah, well they have made a new movie about King Arthur. In this one Arthur's father is really a leftover from the Roman occupation of Britain and he is helped on the battlefield by a strong, sassy young woman with amazing eyebrows.

Last time it was Keira Knightley. This time it's Aishwarya Rai and the movie is called The Last Legion.

But for this film they did something weird. With normal cosmetic treatment Ms. Rai's brows are quite outstanding. But this time they put some extra tar in the mix and as you can see from the video captures below (from the hi-def trailer) they look like they're made from electrician's tape stencils.

Scroll-down boast: For this posting I have come up with the best subject line ever. I dare you to find a better one.

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